Monday, January 7, 2008

Model aerodynamic prediction workshop

I have the opportunity to organize a wind tunnel test cession on a F5B model airframe from François Lorrain.
A student team from ISAE has choosen the Jibe 2 model for an aerodynamic evaluation within S4 wind tunnel.

I find interesting and profitable to build up some emulation around this project among those who practice/masterize aerodynamic calculations.

There is here a nice opportunity to have an experimental feedback, and not only compute in "open loop".

Ipropose to organize a "Model aerodynamic prediction workshop" : the objective is for you to forecast what the outcome of the wind tunnel test will be, using whatever means ranging from rule of thumb to NS or LES computation .

The test should take place in March 08 (week tbd), with the complete airframe but the propeller off. Investigations will be performed with a 6axis balance installed, measuring both in longitudinal & lateral, for having a complete views of aerodynamic coefficients (performance & stability derivatives).

If you happen to be interested in joining this, I have prepared a file containing a priori all the information needed about Jibe2 geometry, with the kind agreement of Francois Lorrain.

Your results should be sent to me before beginning of march to be published.
matthieu.scherrer 'at'

Then we will carry on with the wind tunnel test, and see the outcomes !
I will try to ensure a proper following through on by blog.

Well, here is the idea, let's make it interesting ! Any input will be anyway profitable to the community !

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